Our condolences go out to his family, friends and children. RIP
***New article found by HAARETZ states:Clashes in Jerusalem spurred by rumors of Palestinian bus driver’s ‘lynching’
32-year-old Egged employee found hanged in bus in city’s west; Police believe death a suicide though Palestinian reports and deceased’s family claim he was killed by Jews.
Clashes broke out in East Jerusalem overnight after the body of a 32-year-old Palestinian Egged bus driver was found hanged in a bus depot in the West Jerusalem area of Har Hotzfim late Sunday night.
Palestinian media sources have identified the deceased as Yusuf Hassan al-Ramouni, a resident of East Jerusalem’s Ras al-Amud neighborhood and father of two.
Witnesses told Palestinian news agency Maan that Ramouni was killed by settlers and Al-Quds newspaper reported that the driver was ‘lynched’ by six Jewish men. A wave of rumors has since spread on social newtorks among Palestinian users.
Ramouni was supposed to begin his scheduled 57 route at 9:20 P.M., and at 10 P.M., another driver found his body hanging in the center of the bus from a thin chord. Relatives of the deceased took photos of his body that they claim show signs of violence.
Ramouni’s family claim he had no reason to commit suicide as he was not in any crises. Collegues of Ramouni said that Palestinian bus drivers have long been subjected to violence by Jews.
However, according to a preliminary report, Israel Police suspect suicide, and claim no signs of violence were found on Ramouni.
His body has been transferred from Hadassah Hospital to Abu Kabir Forensic Insitutute in Tel Aviv for an autopsy.
CCTV footage from the bus depot may prove crucial in proving or disproving the two conflicting causes of death.
So an illegal settler in an occupied illegal land of the state of Palestine, who is recognized under international as the ILLEGAL resident just told the world, he is a murderer, and his holding the murder weapon. Yeah the world is doomed!
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