Sunday, October 2, 2011

Palestine should've got statehood by now - NST

By W.Scott Thompson

IT doesn't seem rational. The cool-headed American president, seeking rapprochement with the Muslim world, reluctantly makes it clear that his rep at the United Nations will veto a Palestinian bid for statehood. Ah, it's the Jewish lobby in the United States, supporting a nutty state that wants it all, so long as it has its single backer in line.
It must be a bit more complicated. James Rosenau, an American political scientist, 43 years ago presented the world as a series of "systems", in which one variety was a "sub-dominant system" or one where a minority dominates the overall state system. Sounds like Tea Party America.

But his example then, and still could be, was the rabbinical ultra-orthodox Israeli bloc that through constitution, biblical text and emotional sway, dominates the state, and makes deviation from its desired course near-impossible. The 1967 victories in the Six-Day War simply gave them proof of God's will to restore their right to the world of King David, no matter what's happened in the intervening two-and-a- half millennia.

Finally, I find a voice articulating precisely what is wrong in Israel. Carlo Strenger, a professor of psychology, writing in the International Herald Tribune, notes that while 87 per cent of the population supports the demonstrators for social justice et al., the "national-religious parties in the governing coalition... are based on the belief that the Jewish people have a God-given right to what they call the Greater Land of Israel". 
Their bet is Israeli demography ultimately, with patience, leads to an "Orthodox Jewish majority", just so long as the state doesn't give up the West Bank, with its numerous Israeli holy sites of the pre-Common era. Got that?

I won't bother to refute their conviction, since it's all but self-explanatory in its fallacies. The important part is the depth of their conviction and their unwillingness to negotiate one iota of any of this away. The pressures of the outside world can be left to that world to deal with on its own. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who may not technically be of their number, shares their belief, if only out of bullheadedness and (for now) the desire to show his ability to knock Barack Obama into his own self-dug hole.

But on the American side, it's also a bit more complicated. There is a tendency in human relations for backers of a leader, an idea, an ideology to outflank that idea in its own predilections.

The famous lobby backs positions in America that Israeli defence planners consider absurd. After George W. Bush's election, the neo-cons of America fancifully laid out plans of redrawn borders in the Middle East ludicrously favourable to Israel. That suited the rabbinate in Israel, though it didn't fit the majority of American Jews who argued for "reasonable" behaviour by Israel, peace and settlement (as opposed to "settlements") over intransigence or defiance of world opinion and the American presidency itself.

Read the "J Street" studies in Washington and you see the work of highly intelligent American Jews who see the ultimate fatuity of the lobby's implicit endorsement of the rabbinical position. Instead of seeing an orthodox "majority", they realise the demographic inevitability of an apartheid Israel swamped by Muslim majorities when you include the occupied territories that Netanyahu can't envisage giving up.

The "debate" in America has now become ludicrous, as analysts try to justify the "necessity" of an American veto to head off the Palestinian authority's drive for statehood.

To my astonishment, a former National Security Council official, writing no less for the Council on Foreign Relations, has argued that even if such a state were to gain recognition it would sacrifice much of its long-term goals.

Robert Danin thus says that while achievement of some United Nations status might enhance leverage in bargaining with Israel, "accession to the UN would undermine Palestinians' moral and historical claims to being a stateless people, a status that has kept their plight at the top of the international agenda for decades.

In the international community's eyes, moreover, the conflict with Israel would effectively become a border dispute -- one of scores around the world -- not an existential challenge to the Palestinians. This would reduce the saliency and centrality of the Palestinian issue for many".

Let me see if I got this right. Gaining international recognition and a rightly deserved place at the table lowers Palestinian legitimacy, because there's no "diplomatic framework" that has sanctioned the new position, as if the UN is not the highest one of all.

But, of course, that place at the table precisely enshrines some of the Palestinian agenda. Has any historical grouping of people ever preferred a moral high position to hard-grounded realities, like statehood? Ask the heirs of Mahatma Gandhi. He used the moral high ground not for an "existential position", but for the leverage it provided for nationhood.

In my lifetime of watching politics, I've never seen such meretricious and specious argument by supposedly smart people.

In the real world most of us inhabit, Palestine will win some sort of international recognition that manifestly ups the ante and puts Israel even more on the defensive, however much the rabbis may not give a hoot. America looks ridiculous, and the Muslim world, far from preferring some theoretical statelessness for Palestine, is further inflamed.

It may be worth noting that it wasn't just the Israeli ambassador that was rescued from the mobs in Cairo; it was his whole 80-strong embassy. And it took six hours of negotiations among the authorities in Cairo, Netanyahu and Obama himself to achieve even that. So Netanyahu expects Obama to pull his chestnuts out of the fires he's lit all over the world?

There just may be some limits to the recklessness of the Israeli leader, imposed by realities all around him, however much the rabbinate will put its collective head in the sand. As I write, the International Herald Tribune headlines "Israel at Sea, Adrift and Alone" by Thomas Friedman, a most influential Jewish-American writer.

The writer is emeritus professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, United States

Source : Palestine should've got statehood by now

Tony Blair: Time to go? - Al Jazeera

Tony Blair has been a political salesman since he first made his debut at the British Labour Party conference. And he is good, no doubt about that. Not only because he speaks coherently; he is Scottish after all. Nor is it because he's often compared with George W Bush. It's because Tony could peddle ideas and sell economic and military agendas better than most. The question is: Would you buy a used car from Tony? The Palestinians and the Arabs in general have concluded enough is enough. Nabil Sha'ath, the Palestinian Authority's first ever foreign minister, told me last year: "Forget Tony Blair. I think Mr Blair is at the wrong time at the wrong place and he’s just making it easier for Mr Netanyahu to deceive us, really, in more ways than one." Despite their suspicion that Blair betrayed them on more than a few occasions - siding with Israel behind their backs - he remained set in his position shuttling between Jerusalem, London and Washington. And last week, Blair was dispatched to sell US and Israeli arguments for rejecting the Palestinian request for membership to reluctant UN Security Council members. He went beyond the call of duty. There is always something for Tony in what Tony does, and nowadays he's trying to renew his tenure as the international Quartet's point man on Palestine. The Quartet, composed of the US, EU, UN and Russia, is supposedly responsible for making peace between Israel and the Palestinians. If I remember correctly, Blair negotiated his salary with Condi Rice at the State Department in 2007 when he was first appointed to the post. And he has one particular asset there. For all practical purpose, Tony has been the public face of Dennis Ross, Israel's man at the White House. Ross has been a behind-the-scenes architect of the Obama administration's policy shift over the past year, leading to Washington's veto of the UN Security Council draft resolution on the illegality of Israeli settlements, and Obama's Zionist speech, at the UN last week.

History of salesmanship

Blair started his career with the Labour Party in the mid 1980s as a junior parliamentarian and became its spokesman for six years. Three years later, he was the party's candidate for prime minister under the slogan: "Things can only get better." And things did get better - for him, but not necessarily for the country. He won the elections in a landslide and changed the rebranded the party "New Labour". During his tenure, public relations superseded reform in government, promoting "Cool Britannia" against the backdrop of mounting nepotism and financial discrepancies. Blair's so called Third Way (with selected ideas from British sociologist Anthony Giddens) left the British economy in shambles and its society in a terrible malaise. The liberalisation of the banking sector and financial services left London far more exposed than its European partners when the financial crisis hit. Things got much worse during his second term when Blair turned to foreign affairs. He sold George W's "global war on terror" after 9/11, earning him the title of "Bush's poodle". The low point of British politics came against the backdrop of Blair's enthusiastic support for Bush's invasion of Iraq. Despite the terrible fiasco of the occupation and the revelation that the war's justifications were false, Tony continued to sell the expired and rotten policy without shame.

 From selling war to peddling peace

 Many demanded that he be put on trial for war crimes. But in the age of empire, he was appointed as the point man for the Middle East peace process. He went on to defend Israel's policy in the West Bank. He promoted its "humane occupation" each time Israel removed one of its several hundred roadblocks and checkpoints that choke life and living in Palestine. Tony Blair was nowhere to be seen during the first nine days of Israeli's 2008 war on Gaza. He was on holiday. Even today's British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was irritated: "People in the Middle East are entitled to ask themselves, 'Where is Tony Blair?'" When 500 people were getting killed in the impoverished Gaza strip, Blair - according to his aide - was working tirelessly (at the private opening of an Armani store in London) to mediate a ceasefire. Arguably, Blair's part time job as Quartet special envoy says as much about his capacity to rebound as it does about Washington's disrespect for the Arabs; about a humiliated and divided Middle East, or about the nature of the "peace process" itself. It also says much about the so-called international Quartet, that the Bush administration appointed the body to prelaunch its sponsored negotiations in 2002, which were, of course, an utter failure. Why would the Secretary General of the United Nations that represents the whole community of nations accept being a junior partner in a geopolitical configuration? It is beyond me. Or, for that matter, why should Europe or Russia have their own seats at the negotiating table? Who said these hypocritical, cynical entities could deliver peace in the Middle East? Be that as it may, the Arabs can't fire President Obama or Russian Prime Minister Putin. They cannot ask Ban Ki-moon to step aside. They could, however, end the Quartet's mission. They could at least tell the Quartet to fire its special envoy before he becomes persona non grata. He is already unwelcome in Palestine. In retrospect, Palestinians reckon it's unfair to call Tony a poodle. Poodles are harmless.

 Marwan Bishara is Al Jazeera's senior political analyst. He was previously a professor of International Relations at the American University of Paris. An author who writes extensively on global politics, he is widely regarded as a leading authority on the Middle East and international affairs.

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